This section of the Handbook on Notification Requirements covers the notification obligations under the AGREEMENT ON SAFEGUARDS. It consists of the following five parts:
For Members which acceded pursuant to Article XII of the Marrakesh Agreement, their respective Protocols of Accession may contain notification obligations in addition to those set out in the WTO Agreements, and may govern the deadlines for the submission of their initial notifications.
The obligations explained in this section applies to all relevant Members. See Part 2 to identify who the "relevant Members" are.
Most notification requirements are ad hoc, meaning that they become due only when a specific action is taken by a Member. For more information on when to notify, refer to Part 2.
The easiest way to notify is to send the notification in Word format by e-mail to the CRN ( There is no need to send an official letter (e.g. paper letter with letterhead).
Please see illustrative mock examples listing different situations and explaining when/how to notify depending on the situation.
Notification requirements | Type of measure | Members notifying | Periodicity | Comments on Periodicity | Format 2 | To whom 3 | Notification Symbol | |
1. | Agreement on Safeguards, Article 9.1 and footnote 2. | Non-application of safeguard measures against a product originating in a developing country Member for reasons specified in Article 9.1. | All WTO Members | Ad hoc | If and when a Member imposes a SG measure. | Yes (G/SG/1/Rev.1, item B) | Committee on Safeguards | G/SG/N/11/* |
2. | Agreement on Safeguards, Article 12.1 (a)- Initiation. | Initiation of an investigation. | All WTO Members | Ad hoc | If and when a Member initiates a SG investigation. (Notification shall be made immediately). | Yes (G/SG/1/Rev.1, item A) | Committee on Safeguards | G/SG/N/6/* |
3. | Agreement on Safeguards, Article 12.1 (b)- Finding of serious injury. | Making a finding of serious injury or threat thereof. | All WTO Members | Ad hoc | If and when a Member makes such a finding. (Notification shall be made immediately). | Yes (G/SG/1/Rev.1, item C) | Committee on Safeguards | G/SG/N/8/* |
4. | Agreement on Safeguards, Article 12.1 (c)- Imposition. | Taking a decision to apply or extend a safeguard measure. | All WTO Members | Ad hoc | If and when a Member decides to impose or extend a measure. (Notification shall be made immediately). | Yes (G/SG/1/Rev.1, item C) | Committee on Safeguards | G/SG/N/10/* |
5. | Agreement on Safeguards, Article 12.4- Provisional Measure. | Before taking a provisional measure. | All WTO Members | Ad hoc | In advance of the application of the measure. If and when a Member intends to impose a provisional measure. (Notification shall be made before taking the provisional measure). | Yes (G/SG/1/Rev.1, item D) | Committee on Safeguards | G/SG/N/7/* |
6. | Agreement on Safeguards, Article 12.5- Results of consultations. | Results of consultations. | All WTO Members | Ad hoc | If and when a Member held consultations pursuant to Articles 12.3 and 12.4. | Yes (G/SG/1/Rev.1, item E(a)) | Council for Trade in Goods (through Committee on Safeguards - See Article 12.10) | G/L/*, G/SG/N/* |
7. | Agreement on Safeguards, Article 12.5- Mid-term review | Mid-term review. | All WTO Members | Ad hoc | If and when a Member conducted a review pursuant to Article 7.4. | Yes (G/SG/1/Rev.1, item E(b)) | Council for Trade in Goods (through Committee on Safeguards - See Article 12.10). | G/L/*, G/SG/N/* |
8. | Agreement on Safeguards, Article 12.5- Compensation. | Compensation referred to in Article 8.1. | All WTO Members | Ad hoc | If and when a compensation referred to in Article 8.1 was provided. | Yes (G/SG/1/Rev.1, item E(c)) | Council for Trade in Goods (through Committee on Safeguards - See Article 12.10). | G/L/*, G/SG/N/* |
9. | Agreement on Safeguards, Article 12.5- Proposed suspension of concessions. | Proposed suspensions of concessions and other obligations referred to in Article 8.2. | All WTO Members | Ad hoc | If and when an exporting Member proposes suspensions of concessions and other obligations referred to in Article 8.2. | Yes (G/SG/1/Rev.1, item E(d)) | Council for Trade in Goods (through Committee on Safeguards - See Article 12.10). | G/L/*, G/SG/N/* |
10. | Agreement on Safeguards, Article 12.6. | Laws, regulations and administrative procedures relating to SG measures. (A "nil" notification if there is no such Laws, regulations or administrative procedures.) | All WTO Members | One time | If and when a Member enacts or amends a law regulation or administrative procedures relating to SG measures. 4 | Yes (G/SG/N/1) | Committee on Safeguards. | G/ADP/N/*, G/SCM/N/*, G/SG/N/1/* |
Notification of laws and regulations under Article 12.6 of the Agreement G/SG/N/1.
Formats for notification of certain actions under the Agreement on Safeguards G/SG/1/Rev.1 and G/SG/2.
Search documents with the symbol G/SG/N/11/*.
Initiation: Search documents with the symbol G/SG/N/6/*.
Finding of serious injury: Search documents with the symbol G/SG/N/8/*.
Imposition of a final measure: Search documents with the symbol G/SG/N/10/*.
Search documents with the symbol G/SG/N/7/*.
Search documents with the symbol G/L/*.
Search documents with the symbol G/SG/N/1/*.
Agreement on Safeguards LT/UR/A-1A/8.
1 All notifications, regardless of their subject content or the requirement under which they are being submitted, must be directed to the administrator of the Central Registry of Notifications (CRN), as indicated in document WT/INF/25/Rev.2. Notifications may be submitted through online submission systems, as electronic attachments to emails or on paper. As it may be practice, a copy of the notification may be sent to the Secretariat unit substantially handling the notification.
2 Note that the Committee agreed on a format for certain notifications that are not obligations as such. See document G/SG/2 and items F and G in document G/SG/1/Rev.1.
3 All notifications, regardless of their subject content or the requirement under which they are being submitted, must be directed to the administrator of the Central Registry of Notifications (CRN), as indicated in document WT/INF/25/Rev.2. Notifications may be submitted through online submission systems, as electronic attachments to emails or on paper. As it may be practice, a copy of the notification may be sent to the Secretariat unit substantially handling the notification.
4 Members that do not have such laws, regulations or administrative procedures should submit a "nil" notification. (See G/SG/N/1 paragraph 2.)