Business Computer Applications

Introduces and develops foundational skills in applying essential and emerging business productivity information technology tools. The focus of this course is on business productivity software applications, including word processing, spreadsheets, databases, presentation graphics, data analytics, and business-oriented utilization of the Internet. Prerequisite: Meet TSI college-readiness standard for Reading and Writing; or equivalent. 3 credit hours. (A)

This course uses Microsoft Office 365 or Office 2019 for Windows. This course will be delivered online with no required face-to-face sessions within the course and no on-campus activity requirements. Additional requirements may include test proctoring with student authentication, a desk top or lap top computer (not a mobile device), webcam, and/or microphone.For up to date information on the College's COVID-19 protocols:

Contact Information

Email address: [email protected] or use the Canvas Message Inbox

Phone: Home Office 972-675-0052

Officer Hours: By Appointment. Zoom link is preferred.

Instructor: Mr Charles Lundin

Office Hours

Students may also contact me by telephone.

Course Resources

Website: Canvas Website

The website has links for all text resources, syllabus, dates, and links to Cengage MindTap for Lab assignments. Canvas is used for major exams. Cengage contains chapter tests and lab projects.

Access to Cengage MindTap is excludively through links on Canvas.


Required Technology

Windows or Mac* computers with Office 2019 installed. Windows is preferred.

Web Camera, speakers, microphone, broadband internet connection.

Collin Students may install the Office 2019 applications downloaded from the Collin College website. Find the link for MS Office find the button on the upper right labeled "Download MS OFFICE". Use the link to select 'Other" then select the full Office 2019 application suite.

Course Policies


WEB classes do not have scheduled meeting times. This pilot class will form teams and teams will deliberate and schedule their own meeting time. Teams should establish a plan to meet daily at an agreed time during the semester to Solve team problems and also to discuss status and cross-check information understood about assignments.

Attendance and Participation will be graded from team meetings and timely progress on lab work. Teams will create Minutes for each meeting in which they report discussions, decisions of the team, and attendance of members.
Absence from team meetings will not be made up and a grade of zero will be assigned.
Missing from team meetings without prior notice and authorization will penalize the entire team.

The final grades are not curved or rounded. Two assignments are available for 20 point extra credits.

Major exams are in two parts: 1: Team Collaboration, 2: Individual performance test.

Missing a major exam team portion my not be made up unless an acceptable documented reason is provided. Missing an individual portion of a major exam may not be made up unless an acceptable documented reason is provided.

Team Meetings will be conducted on Zoom video conferencing. Each team will have its own Zoom link. Team meetings for Chapter Team Problems and for Exam Test collaboration require zoom records to be accepted for grading. Teams may also use the team's zoom link at any other time for their own purpose in communicating with each other.

Students are expected to Participate in Zoom meetings with the decorum of and in the manner expected of businesses professionals.
Attend virtual meetings with videos on so that you can see and be seen and hear and be heard.
Attending zoom while driving a car or performing grooming tasks will result in an absence.

If meeting in a classroom or Library team room: Exercise caution when entering and leaving classrooms to avoid tripping on student bags. Store personal articles under desks.

Talk with the instructor before dropping the class as there may be help you need to accommodate the work load.

Method of Evaluation

Grading System

Grade Determination Scheduled Maximum is 2100 Point
A requires 90% or above plus Semester Project Mgt Journal 1890
B requires 80% 1680
C required 70% 1470
D requires 60% 1260
F grades below 60% 0


MindTap Office 780 35.9%
Canvas Labs 190 9.8%
MIS Quiz & Team 320 15.0%
Team Form&Prob 40 1.9%
Teamwork Quizes 100 4.7%
Special Lect 20 0.9%
Major Exams 300 14.0%
Final Exam 200 9.3%
Attend&Particip 150 7.0%
TOTAL 2100 100.0%
Semester Project* 150 7.0%
Required to earn an 'A'

Course Calendar

2021 WINTER BCIS1305-990 CRN:23431.202220 WEB Task Points Sequence Points Running Total Points
Orientation SEQUENCE
Lab 0 - Class Folder download and extract 20 20
Monday 12/13 Lab 1 - Complete and submit 20 40
PPT Orientation 40
Intro to Cengage Team Work 40
Intro to Cengage Office 2019 40
Intro to Cengage Mgt Info Systems 40
Lab 2 Management Journal Intro - Optional Semester Project *150 40
TEAMBUILDING SEQUENCE Task dates set by individual student, 40
Unit A and Quiz Unit A -Individual 20 60
Unit B and Quiz Unit B - Individual 20 80
Unit C and Quiz Unit C - Individual 20 100
Unit D and Quiz Unit D - Individual 20 120
Unit E and Quiz Unit E - Individual 20 140
Tuesday 12/14 4 - 8 pm Census date 140
Team Assignments by email & Team Formation 1 20 160
Wednesday 12/15 Team Formation 2 -Rules, Team Role Assignments, Scheduling 20 180
Exam 1 Sequence Team Problem Team Mtg set by team, Exam 1 scheduled by team 180
Ch 1 Quiz - do prior to team mtg for Ch 1 problem 20 200
Ch 1 Team Problem 20 220
Ch2 Quiz - Do prior to team mtg for ch2 problem 20 240
Ch2 team problem 20 260
Ch3 Quiz - Do prior to team mftg for ch 3 problem 20 280
Ch3 Team Problem 20 300
Friday 12/17/21 Exam 1 Part 1 - Team Collaboration on Zoom, 1st, 2nd,3rd place 50 350
Friday 12/17/21 Exam 1 Part 2 - Individual Performance -Canvas Honor Lock 50 400
Exam 2 Sequence Team Problem Team Mtg set by team, Exam 2 scheduled by team 400
Ch 4 Quiz - do prior to team mtg for Ch 4 problem 20 420
Ch 4 Team Problem 20 440
Ch5 Quiz - Do prior to team mtg for ch5 problem 20 460
Ch5 team problem 20 480
Ch6 Quiz - Do prior to team mftg for ch 6 problem 20 500
Ch6 Team Problem 50 550
Wednesday 12/22 Exam 2 Part 1 - Team Collaboration on Zoom, 1st, 2nd,3rd place 50 600
Exam 2 Part 2 - Individual Performance -Canvas Honor Lock 50 650
Exam 3 Sequence and Final Exam Team Problem Team Mtg set by team, Exam 3 scheduled by team 650
Tuesday Januray 4, 2022 Team Refresher 20 670
Ch 9 Quiz Do before team problem ch 9 20 690
Ch9 Team Problem 20 710
Ch10 Quiz 20 730
Tuesday Januray 4, 2022 Exam 2 Part 1 - Team Collaboration on Zoom, 1st, 2nd,3rd place 50 780
Exam 2 Part 2 - Individual Performance -Canvas Honor Lock 50 830
Wednesday January 5, 2022 Final Exam Part 1 - Team Collaboration on Zoom, 1st,2nd,3rd place 100 930
Final Exam Part 2 - Individual Performance, Canvas Honor Lock 200 1130
Oper Sys Windows SAM Video Training and Interactive Exam (14*20) 280 1410
Word Labs Schedule Labs individually -see suggestion in Day 1 Module on Canvas 1410
Choose either Module or Review task dates set by student 1410
Word 1.1 Module OR Review 20 1430
Word 1.2 20 1450
Word 2.1 20 1470
Word 2.2 20 1490
Word 3 20 1510
Word 4 20 1530
Word 6 20 1550
Word 7 20 1570
EXCEL Lab Projects Choose either Module or REVIEW Project -Task dates set by student 1570
Excel 0 Orientation - Team Meeting - Problem 20 1590
Excel 1 20 1610
Excel 2 20 1630
Excel 3 20 1650
Excel 4 20 1670
Excel 5 20 1690
Excel 6 20 1710
Excel 7 20 1730
Excel 8 20 1750
Excel 9 20 1770
Excel 10 20 1790
Excel 12 20 1810
ACCESS Lab Projects Only work on the Module Projects -Task Dates set by student 1810
Access Lab 5.0 Orientation Video - Individual submission 20 1830
Access Project 1 20 1850
Access Project 2 20 1870
Access Project 3 20 1890
Access Project 4 20 1910
Power Point Lab Projects Choose either Module or Review Project -Task Dates set by student 1910
PPT Project 1 20 1930
PPT Project 2 20 1950
Lab 8 University Transfer *optional *60 1950
Total Optional Projects *210 1950
1/4/2022 Attendance and Participaiton (based on login records ) 150 150 2100
Total Course Scheduled Points 2100 2100
END SEMESTER 1/5/22 Grade Determination Scheduled Maximum is 2100 Point
A requires 90% 1890
B requires 80% 1680
C required 70% 1470
D requires 60% will not contribute to GPA 1260
F grades below 60% 0

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:1. Describe the fundamentals of information technology concepts - hardware, software, security, and privacy.2. Demonstrate proper file management techniques to manipulate electronic files and folders in local, network, and online environments.3. Create business documents with word processing software using spelling and grammar check, format and layout, tables, citations, graphics, and mail merge.4. Create business documents and analyze data with spreadsheet software using (1) tables, sorting, filtering, charts, and graphics, pivot tables, macros; (2) statistical, financial, logical and look-up functions and formulas; and (3) add-ins.5. Create business multimedia presentations with presentation software using templates, lists, groups, themes, colors, clip art, pictures, tables, transitions, animation, video, charts, and views.6. Create databases and manage data with database software using tables, fields, relationships, indexes, keys, views, queries, forms, reports, and import/export functions.7. Integrate business software applications.8. Use web-based technologies to conduct ethical business research.9. Use ?goal-seeking? and ?what-if analysis? to solve problems and make adjustments/recommendations in a business environment.

Institutional Policies

Collin College has a passion for Learning, Service and Involvement, Creativity and Innovation, Academic Excellence, Dignity and Respect, and Integrity. For more information about Collin College’s mission, vision, and core values, please go to

All policies, guidelines, and procedures in the Collin College Catalog, Collin College Board Policies, and the Collin College Student Handbook are applicable to this course.

Americans with Disabilities Act

Collin College provides reasonable accommodations, in acco rdance with the Americans with D isabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, to afford equal educational opportunities to all people. Students requesting accommodations under this provision should contact Collin College’s Accommodations at Collin College for Equal Su pport Services (ACCESS) Office. For more information, go to

Scholastic Dishonesty

Every member of the Collin College community is expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. All work submitted for credit is expected to be the student’s own work. Collin College may initiate disciplinary proceedings against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. While specific examples are listed below, this is not an exhaustive list and scholastic dishonesty may encompass other conduct, including any misconduct through electronic or computerized means. Scholastic dishonesty shall include, but is not limited to, one or more of the following acts.

General Scholastic Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, statements, acts, or omissions related to applications for enrollment, credit or class work, research, or the award of a degree; falsifying academic records; using annotated texts or teachers’ editions; using information about exams posted on the Internet or in any electronic medium; leaving a test site without authority; failing to secure test materials; and/or submitting work that is not one’s own. Students are expected to record honestly and accurately the results of all their research. Falsification of research results shall include misrepresentations, distortions, or omissions in data or reports on research.

Plagiarism is the use of an author’s words or ideas as if they were one’s own without giving credit to the source, including, but not limited to, failure to acknowledge a direct quotation or patchwriting. In the preparation of all papers and other written work, students must distinguish their own ideas and knowledge from information derived from other sources. The term “sources” includes not only published primary and secondary materials, but also information and opinions gained directly from other people. Whenever ideas or facts are derived from a source, the source must be indicated by the student.

Cheating is the giving or receiving of information in an unauthorized manner during an examination or to complete an assignment; collaborating with another student during an examination without authority; using, buying, selling, soliciting, stealing, or otherwise obtaining course assignments and/or examination questions in advance; unauthorized copying of computer or Internet files; using someone else’s work for an assignment as if it were one’s own; submitting or resubmitting an assignment in whole or in part (i.e., recycling an assignment) for more than one (1) class or institution without permission from each of the professors; or any other dishonest means of attempting to fulfill the requirements of a course.

Collusion is intentionally or unintentionally aiding or attempting to aid another in an act of scholastic dishonesty, including, but not limited to, failing to secure academic work; providing a paper or project to another student; providing an inappropriate level of assistance or unauthorized collaboration; communicating answers to a classmate about an examination or any other course assignment; removing tests or answer sheets from a test site; and allowing a classmate to copy answers.

In cases where an incident report has been filed for an alleged violation of scholastic dishonesty, the faculty member is requested to delay posting a grade for the academic work in question until the case is final. A student found responsible for a scholastic dishonesty offense(s) will receive an appropriate disciplinary penalty or penalties from the Dean of Students Office. The student may also receive an academic penalty in the course where the scholastic dishonesty took place. The faculty member will determine the appropriate academic penalty, which may range from a grade of zero (0) on the assignment to failing the course.

To view the Board policies associated with this section, go to

Academic Etiquette and the College Experience

Students and professors at Collin College share a responsibility to promote, develop, and maintain a positive learning environment. Students are expected to show respect to other students and professors at all times. For more information regarding academic etiquette and the college experience, specifically student academic success and seeking out resources, disruptive use of electronic devices, and tardiness and absences, please refer to the Student Ha n dbook .

Institutional Deadlines

The Census Date is the 12th class day in a regular 16-week semester, or the fourth (4th) class day in a short summer semester. The census date varies for mini-semesters and express classes. Students are required to attend class prior to the census date. For more information, go to

Students may withdraw from a course(s) with a grade of “W” through the end of the eighth (8th) class week during a regular 16-week semester, through Tuesday of the third (3rd) week of classes in a short 5-week summer term, and through Thursday of the fifth (5th) week of classes in a long 10-week summer term. Withdrawals will appear on the student’s official transcript, but have no effect on his or her grade point average (GPA). Contact the admissions area in the Student and Enrollment Services Office for withdrawal deadlines for other terms.

Prior to initiating a withdrawal, students should contact their professor(s) and/or an academic advisor. Withdrawal from Collin College must be initiated by the student. Students who discontinue class attendance and do not officially withdraw will receive a performance grade for the course(s). Students who need to withdraw from a class(es) may do so online or in person in the Student and Enrollment Services Office at any campus. For more information and withdrawal dates, please go to

Additional Support

Collin College is dedicated to providing information and support to students. Please click on the following links for more information and to learn about support the College offers: Mental Health Resources (Counseling), Strategies of Behavioral Intervention (SOBI), Financial Aid and Veteran Benefits, Anthony Peterson Center for Academic Assistance (Writing Centers and Math Labs) and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

For any other College Academic Policies, please also refer to the Student Handbook.